Carlo Holse, Danish football player and currently a midfielder for the Turkish club FC Samsunspor shared a few anecdotes from his daily life in Turkey. When asked about some cultural differences that surprised him he said the following to TV2:
>Carlo - "Well I was shocked last year when I played my first game and saw people standing at half-time smoking blunts. That really surprised me. I think many football players would agree that you might grab a beer after the game if you've won, but ..."
>TV2 - "So, it was your teammates who were getting high?"
>Carlo - "Yes. Here it seems it's something you enjoy at any time. It's a bit crazy. But right before or even during a game, that was unexpected?", says Carlo Holse, before giving a new example from a training session."Carlo - "But it's a Muslim country, and they are very religious ... and there was a time last season when we hadn't won for eight games in a row. All of a sudden, we got two goats on the field, and they were supposed to be slaughtered as a sacrifice to Allah as this was supposed to bring good luck. So we witnessed the slaughter of two live goats. That's not usually something you see on a football field, but then... we did win the next game, so it must have helped somehow", says Carlo Holse with a smile
sir we are secular sir
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