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/int/ - Enternasyonal

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File: 1730119689296.png (10.09 KB, 189x267, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


bob l'éponge


File: 1737292910024.png (1.35 MB, 980x1208, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

bob l'vagen

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i hate gay men
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im a trans gurl and i need my diaper changed by a swarthy turkoid :3


Nigger nigger nigger

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shit i forgot to attach my soyjak


File: 1722215175387.mp4 (1.52 MB, 1280x720, Coco's official story (Sma….mp4) ImgOps Google iqdb

ah forget it


uppity up



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*The Door of Sharîʻah/Divine Law*
to believe
to learn knowledge (‘ilm)
to worship
to earn only what sustenance is permitted (halâl) by its creator in a way that is also permissible
abstaining from that which one's creator has forbidden (harâm)
to perform marriages
to marry oneself
to abstain from sexual relation during inappropriate times
to be a member of the community following the tradition of Muhammad
to be compassionate, to dress simply and to consume simple foods
to enjoin that which is right and for abstain from that which is wrong


kill yourself shia infidel


become a sufi

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There is a really pretty turkish girl at my work.
I have never seen such a cute turkette before. She looks very western/white too, not like other turks in Germany.

Please give me some advice my turkish bros.
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How does the average Turkish girl look like?


No, I have not.
I think she is too pretty and young for me.

On the germany, typically short, brown, chubby and with low education.




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First saudi here ever



Because they are k*rds obviously, you just met your first pureblood Turk waifu

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Why do I see turkish flags on 4chan I thought roaches were blocked


we know how to get around the ban




one dns. if it doesn't doesn't work or images won't load, goodbyedpi. if images still won't load then just go neckrope yourself

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how's life in Turkey?


awfull + I'm fed up+I'm tired+I'm overwhelmed+I'm bored+I'm stuck+I'm bored+I'm stuck+I'm exhausted+I'm sad+I'm shrunken+I'm dusty+I'm upset+I've got a cold+I've made me scratch my head


pretty good, i am a neet




you don't wanna know

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