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• Youtube, Vocaroo, SoundCloud gibi url'leri embedlayabilirsiniz.

• Kopyaladığınız bir görseli Ctrl+V ile yapıştırabilirsiniz


File: 1742649090610.png (53.36 KB, 1073x375, recent.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


How did you add this to vichan?
Would love to use it for my altchan


File: 1742691601869.png (115.39 KB, 420x630, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

Hi, I wasn't the one who implemented that feature so I'm not entirely sure how it works.
AFAIK it's handled entirely on the front end with JS using the boards' JSON APIs.
I know this file handles most of it: https://kereste.moe/js/recent_posts.js
Also check out the put_recent_posts() function @ https://kereste.moe/main.js

You could probably just feed these into an AI and have it explain what's going on.

File: 1742649590117.jpeg (9.26 KB, 225x225, images (5).jpeg) ImgOps Google iqdb


hey mod-sama
why did you stop running indiachan?
will you bring indiachan back to online?


File: 1742691070608.png (19.96 KB, 574x285, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

hai, already answered this question elsewhere

File: 1742590719688.jpg (935.75 KB, 1600x2178, Screenshot_20250321_215225….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb


Şu tirad neden silindi gayet kaliteli bokpost dönüyordu en azından hell'e taşısaydınız


bok dili k*Rtceyle yazildigi icindir ya BEYAZ TURKLERIN insana benzer diliyle yazican ya da ingilizceyle


banlaya banlaya ip kalmadi oluyor bazen boyle seyler ;_;

File: 1742583768882.png (24.86 KB, 836x692, autismo.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


youtube shorts linklerini de embed'de çalışabilir hale getirir misin


sitenin kullandigi yazilimin koduyla oynamak gerekiyor, ugrasip bir seyleri bozmak istemiyorum ama shorts'u normal videoya cevirmek cok basit
>Open YouTube and find the Short you want to watch as a normal video. Go to the URL of the video, and replace the "shorts" in the URL with "watch"

File: 1742500998971.png (30.19 KB, 699x388, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


yauv admin türkiyeden yasaklısın tor banlama bari


keyfimizden banli degil
hademeler IP adreslerini goremedigi icin TOR mudur vs bilmiyor
calisan IP bulana kadar new identity istemek hala zor degil, tarayici acik kaldigi surece o IPyi kullanmaya devam edersin

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