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/int/ - Enternasyonal

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File: 1715878593310.png (3.41 MB, 1600x1224, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


File: 1715879131888.png (667.71 KB, 815x900, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

Kaczynski was one big hypocrite tranny who is only popular for the memes and nothing more.
>Science is totally a cope and surrogate activity, but I will still live in a METAL cabin with a TYPEWRITER trying to prove MATH THEOREMS because uhhhh.... ummm... it's fine when I do it, okay!
If you take him seriously then you are either still a teen or you can't differentiate between memes and actual philosophies.




we should kill glowniggers


stfu nigga

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