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/int/ - Enternasyonal

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Why do I see turkish flags on 4chan I thought roaches were blocked


we know how to get around the ban




one dns. if it doesn't doesn't work or images won't load, goodbyedpi. if images still won't load then just go neckrope yourself

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how's life in Turkey?


awfull + I'm fed up+I'm tired+I'm overwhelmed+I'm bored+I'm stuck+I'm bored+I'm stuck+I'm exhausted+I'm sad+I'm shrunken+I'm dusty+I'm upset+I've got a cold+I've made me scratch my head


pretty good, i am a neet




you don't wanna know

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Are there any handsome femboys here who would like to find a daddy in the U.S.?

People with leftist or anarchist views would be better.

I don't need it, I'm asking for my friend.
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amerimutt sho sho




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So I'll be fucked and get paid
Sounds like a deal to me daddy

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❤️‍☀️‍💚 tirad ji bo kurd û kurdistan 🇭🇺❤️‍☀️‍💚

🌹🌹 Bo ewey xelk le dewrî ew rêkxirawe kobibêtewe kesanî roşnbîrî helbijard le wane 🌹🌹
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ik ben kurd kurd kurd






Fuck k*rds, fuck ypgay. Biji TVRKIYE.

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hello friends






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Is there anyone alive?
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I am


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We are alive. But have we lived?





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Are you proud of being easterner?


im proud of assblasting west


no, what retard would.




I refuse eurocentric terms like "eastern" or "middle east" because I am not a bigot incel chud.

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The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


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Kaczynski was one big hypocrite tranny who is only popular for the memes and nothing more.
>Science is totally a cope and surrogate activity, but I will still live in a METAL cabin with a TYPEWRITER trying to prove MATH THEOREMS because uhhhh.... ummm... it's fine when I do it, okay!
If you take him seriously then you are either still a teen or you can't differentiate between memes and actual philosophies.




we should kill glowniggers


stfu nigga

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Türkçeyi nasıl öğrenirim?
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2000lerde çıkmış dizileri izle


why iran is golwing?


öğrenme amq napçan


Harbi neden Türkçe öğrenmek istiyorsun?


zazaca öğren daye tennim

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