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/hell/ - Dijital Gazino

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understand surely tells gonna termination farmers theaters
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beyazlar saçma sapan kodlarla bilgisyarlarla uğraşırken ROMAYI FETH ETETMK ve beyazların KARILARINI SİKMEK ve ve
ULAN ÖKÜZ YARATILIŞA BAK ALLAH HİÇ TEKNOLOJİ VE BİLGİSYAR KULLLANMADAN YARATMIŞ YARRAK VAR BİLGİSYAR SOĞUKLUĞUNDA hani bak yaratılışta hiç teknik metal parçası ve alet edavat varmı 000000 sıfır yok eee demek ki bilgisyarla ALLAH olamayacaksın ve KARABOĞA SİZİ SİKECEK BİYOLOJİK GELİŞME ile teknik biglişsyarı sikecek YARATILIŞA BAK ALLAH HİÇ BİLGİYAR KULLANMIŞ MI????
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Akmıyor be oqlm
cp spamlayın

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 No.7095[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The year is 2054.

The Black New World Order has reigned for the past 20 years. The entire world has fallen to the BBC kings. White women are auctioned off to the highest bidder to be mated with and bare black babies. Whiteboys serve as slaves to black masters and white queens. There have been no wars. Leaders of the BNWÖ are decided by who has the largest, darkest meat. No one wears clothing.

In order to become submissive, whiteboys are sent to camps from an early age and are kept in chastity and plugged. They are fed estrogen to keep their masculine thoughts suppressed. Hours of sissy hypno are played to break their minds.

I am a sissy whiteboy. I was sent to the highest security Hypno camp after trying to masturbate through my cage. We are heavily restrained and subjected to 14 hours of hypno daily. We are prohibited from cumming in any fashion. Our penises have been pierced so that the chastity cages are inescapable. We wear only the largest butt plugs. Every whiteboy is gagged. There are hundreds of strong, black bulls guarding us - making sure we are indoctrinated completely.

It is January. My cell creaks door open. A stream of cold light flows in to the room, illuminating my swollen, blue balls. I have grown numb to pain. I am losing all masculine thoughts. I am breaking.

Two muscular, black gods pick me up from under my shoulders. They are taking me to Hypno Room #14 for my daily goon session. Dozens of whiteboys are lined up when I am pushed through the doors. We do not make any noise. The doors slam shut and the projector screen flickers on. We all drop to our knees.

>BBC is superior.

>Worship Big Black Cock.
>You love BBC.
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Düşünsenize bir gün evinize 2 zenci zorla girip gözünüzün önünde karınıza hayatında alabileceği en iyi seksi veriyor. bu olay yaşandıktan sonra birlikte terapi alıyorsunuz ve karınız "zevk aldığını" söylüyor. siz birlikte olurken muhtemelen o olayı düşünüyor. en sonunda cope edebilmek ve mental sağlığınızı koruyabilmek için kendinizi gay olduğunuza inandırıyorsunuz.
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Arda cuckyetim Postla
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>SELEFİyi vermesi
Yarrami alirlar :-D


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şu makineye bağlayacaksın



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Bianca tr version ikbal ve aysenur


ikisi de hak etti amq

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